Yule/Winter Solstice 12/18/21

Join us as we honor Sunna during our Yule rite! This will be an evening ritual, where we will honor the Kindreds in a modified Symbel format and eat dinner as a Grove in celebration of the returning light. During the ritual, our Ancestor Box will be closed and we will make offerings to Sunna. Ritual will begin at 5:30 followed by a potluck.
What to bring:
Potluck dish
An offering for Sunna (if you want)
A remembrance for the Ancestor Box (if you want)
We asked that all offerings are either safely burnable or can be left on the land without adversely affecting the wildlife. If you aren’t sure, please ask.
We hope to be meeting in person. If not we will do this via Zoom. Check back closer to the date!